Monday, July 16, 2012

Strange Fruit

"Here is fruit for the crows to pluck, for the rain to gather, for the wind to suck, for the sun to rot, for the trees to drop, Here is a strange and bitter crop. " 
-Billie Holiday

Sunday, July 15, 2012


"Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.”
-Leonardo da Vinci 


"All architecture is shelter, all great architecture is the design of space that contains, cuddles, exalts, or stimulates the persons in that space."

-Phillip Johnson

Pursuit of Excellence

I have seen many people say they're truly passionate about something, however the passion my boyfriend, Horace has for his art is like no other. I have never seen someone so sincere about their craft. He continues to explore new concepts of painting. He recently switched his major from Biology to Visual Arts and plans to do Grad school here at Georgia State, and by looking at his grades he can probably get into any graduate program he wants to. He switch his desires to be a dentist because he truly loves art,  I firmly believe that if you truly want something the universe will conspire in your favor. I believe he will be very successful at whatever he does.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Frank Ocean recently released his debut album titled Channel Orange. The album was released only digitally on iTunes to avoid leaking. When Albums are released in stores they have the tendency to be leaked on the internet before they reach the shelves. The digital release was a good decision to ensure that piracy was kept to a minimum. This album is a solid project. The lyrics and melodies flow together seamlessly.  The album also features popular artist. Andre 3000 has a reputation of being difficult to record with however Andre is featured on the album on a hit song titled Pink Matter. The hard copy of this album will be available July 17, 2012. This is a must buy album!

Old School

Longboarding always seemed cool to me. I have never built up the courage to step on one but the  way they function is  interesting to see. They're not like regular skate boards, where you jump off of ramps and slide down rails. Longboarding seems more relaxing and calm. I see kids cruising through the streets of Atlanta weaving through traffic carelessly. It's so serene and smooth. I would like to learn to ride but balance isn't one of my gifts in life.  I see some people crossing their legs and dancing while skating. This sport is almost like ballet on a skate board, graceful and ellogant.